Open Innovation Campus

Open Innovation Campus

Discover, Drive, Inspire

+55 Educational institutions
+1610 Applicants for OICampus Internships
+100 Tutors and Mentors
+8680 Training days

Ready to innovate?

The Innovation Plan for Talent developed by OICampus offers you new experiences to strengthen the development of the professions of the future.

Open Gateway Academy

Open Gateway Academy

Become the betatester of the largest global innovation project and develop projects and use cases based on a new generation of digital services.

Speed Talent

Speed Talent

As a Prácticum, your hours of academic training at Telefónica help you develop skills and new knowledge for your future career.

TUTOR Programme

TUTOR Programme

Develop your PFC, with real industry projects together with professional experts from Telefónica.

OICampus Internships

OICampus Internships

Access the wide range of paid internships to develop your Talentum internship with the Telefónica Innovación Digital teams.

Innovation Challenges & Labs

Innovation Challenges & Labs

We encourage creativity, innovation and technological development, together with teachers, students and researchers, in the search for solutions to real problems of society.

Girls Love Tech

Girls Love Tech

Telefónica's large STEAM community of experts and professionals accompany you in the development of your training, to help you grow as a professional in technology and innovation.

Open Tech Talks

Open Tech Talks

Our team of researchers are continuously exploring trending topics and they offer content to apply to innovative ideas which are very competitive for your academic and professional development.

Universities and Allied Institutions

Bidirectional collaboration with universities, business schools and innovation centers accelerates the development of training, research and knowledge transfer activities. the development of training, research and knowledge transfer activities.

Barcelona School of Management
Big Data International Campus
Campus Internacional Blockchain
Campus Internacional Ciberseguridad
EAE Business School Barcelona
Escuela Superior de Estudios de Empresa
IE University
Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles de Madrid
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Sport Data Campus
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Camilo José Cela
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Universidad Nebrija
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad Zaragoza
Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad de Las Palmas de G.C.
Universidad de León
Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de Navarra
Universidad de Valencia

News Agenda


Open Gateway Academy

Open Gateway Academy

Academic innovation project developed together with Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

Training Blogs & Articles

Open Gateway Academy

Innovation Challenges & Labs

University Digital Leaders

The new initiative led by the Telefónica Chairs Network team, presents to 100 students from all over Spain, a unique program in innovation, skills & business.

Meetings Blogs & Articles

Almudena Moreno Hernández, Head of Telefónica Open Innovation participates in the session “Building Bridges”, sharing the connection and projects that are developed with the academic ecosystem and talent, highlighting the pioneering project Open Gateway Academy.

Meetings Videos

Girls Love Tech

Shining Together!

We celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, remembering that women play a decisive role in society.
What better time to celebrate the anniversary of our Telefónica GIRLSLOVETECH STEAM Community! 


Training project aimed at Mondragón Unibertsitatea students. 
We will solve the challenges faced by people with disabilities in the home through the combination of Smart Home technology and Artificial Intelligence.

Meetings Blogs & Articles

Girls Love Tech

SaveTheDate | UNIVERSE

The event of the year! Attend the meeting of female STEM talent.
Masterclass, workshops, networking, and much more! 
An immersive experience that you can live during a single day with your colleagues and students! 

OICampus Team

We seek to imagine the future, discover and build projects together.

We connect the innovation and talent of Telefónica with the talent and innovation of the academic world.

Fernando Guillot Gimeno
quote Drive into the future quote

Fernando Guillot Gimeno

Open Innovation Campus Director

quote Empowering the Connection quote

Almudena Moreno Hernández

Head of Open Innovation Campus - Innovation plan for Talent

Ana M. Paniagua Rey
quote Inspire the change quote

Ana Paniagua Rey

Innovation Proyects

Patricia López-Fuchet
quote Discover opportunities quote

Patricia López-Fuchet Pasquin

PM TUTORIA & GirlsLoveTech Program

Carlota Quílez Calderón
quote Learning by doing quote

Carlota Quílez Calderón


Discover the most in-demand professional profiles


We dream now to transform the future. Telefónica's research teams are leading change by exploring areas that are shaping the digital future.

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You are one skill away from connecting with your future

Experience Design Lab

Join us in the future. Become a Tester to design real experiences.

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You are one skill away from connecting with your future

Do you know New Career Network by Reskilling4Employment, the portal where we offer you the best reskilling programs adapted to the most demanded skills in the market? reskilling programs adapted to the most demanded skills in the market.

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