Open Innovation Campus

Disruptive Technologies

Native Spanish word-sense disambiguation


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If you are a professor or university student and you are interested in participating in the TUTORING program, register your information so that we can start the program.

Student registration
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Subject área

Computer Science students interested in advancing their career in Machine Learning.

The candidate is required to have experience in natural language processing and LLMs.


Telefónica works on applying AI to the Spanish language in the context of the LEIA project with the RAE.

The aim of the LEIA project is to teach machines to speak correct Spanish. The Spanish Language and Artificial Intelligence (LEIA) project is an initiative promoted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), which has the backing of the Association of Spanish Language Academies (ASALE), and which has had the initial support of Telefónica.

challenge Description

Human language, while intended to convey meaning, inherently carries ambiguity due to several factors. This ambiguity poses challenges for computational language processing and communication, but also serves crucial communicative functions.

The ability to navigate and resolve ambiguity is fundamental to successful computational systems. For improving tasks involving natural language processing, such as statistical machine translation, it is both a desired and necessary feature. The lexical meaning of a word in context can be determined automatically by word sense disambiguation algorithms. These algorithms rely on external knowledge, which is often limited and biased towards English.

In this project, you will develop a WSD (Word Sense Disambiguation) model in Spanish, with the aim of extending the performance compared to models used in Spanish translated from English.

Who is this challenge for you?

Telefónica's Industrial Tutors accompany you in the development of the TFG/TFM, providing their real vision of the industry. They will share their knowledge and experience, offering you feedback so that you can develop a project with an innovative impact.
Jordi Luque Serrano

Jordi Luque Serrano

Research - Discovery / TID