Open Innovation Campus


#OICampus Activities

Highlights of initiatives and projects developed with talent and academic ecosystem.

#Open Tech Talks

D4 - Telefónica Discovery Research Team
Privacy-preserving machine learning: privacy attacks and protection methods con Mikko Heikkila
The Problem of Discrimination in AI with David Solans

#Girls Love Tech

It will be held on June 20 in Segovia, bringing together all national ecosystem companies, institutions and collaborating entities y mentors

#Girls Love Tech

Isabel Izquierdo shares her presentation with the students of 2nd ESO of Valladolid, where she tells them from a humanistic and close vision, her beginnings as a student and professional career

#Open Tech Talks

D3 - Telefónica Discovery Research Team

Peering agreements, from routing to cloud continuum con Ferrán Diego Andilla and Francisco Álvarez Terribas.


On June 20-21 we open the doors of Distrito Telefónica for you to enjoy technology, learn about new digital trends, learn and, above all, have fun.

#Girls Love Tech

Edurne Izaguirre Eraña, presents to UPCT students of the Master of Industry 4.0. in the context of the subject Cloud Computing

#Open Tech Talks

D2 - Telefónica Discovery Research Team
Security and privacy in modern networks with Eduard Marin Fabregas
What is network data plane programming and why should you care? with Salvatore Signorello

#Open Tech Talks

D1 - Telefónica Discovery Research Team
Powering the next generation of Telco Networks with AI con Nícolas Kourtellis
Large New Models and Mobile Devices: Challenges and Opportunities con Paula Delgado Santos
Unveiling LLM: What Lies Behind and How to Leverage Them con Ángela López

#Girls Love Tech

IA workshop aimed at 14-17 year old girls from the #StemTalentGirl program of Fundación ASTI, proposed by the researchers of Experience Design Lab of Telefónica.

#Girls Love Tech

We participated in the private meeting together with the ecosystem of companies, teaching professionals and the public sector, where we analysed and reflected on the persistence of the gender gap in scientific-technological careers.

#Girls Love Tech

We celebrated Women's Day with #stemtalentgirl and #girlslovetech mentors, together with experts, professionals, teachers and institutions and special Portrait Coaching session for all of them from a totally innovative perspective.

#Girls Love Tech

This is a very dynamic activity, where magic happens and helps to guide the next steps to enter the labour market, to define the professional career, and even to relieve the tension at the moment of choosing which studies and training I should include in my CV.

#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Burgos receive Luisa Rubio, Senior Expert Corporate Venture Capital at Telefónica Ventures, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.


#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Salamanca welcome Maria Laura Novas, Finance Transformation Manager at Telefónica, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.


#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Segovia welcome Beatriz Horcajo, Experiences Exploration & Human Research at Teletónica Innovación Digital, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.

#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Madrid welcome Mireia Cuenca, Head of Content Alliances at Telefónica, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.


#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Valladolid welcome Isabel Mª Izquierdo, Data Modeler at Telefónica Innovación Digital, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.

#Girls Love Tech

The students of 42Madrid, enjoy the masterclass of Marisa Vicente and Elena Hernández, to discover how to define their professional future, develop their training, and learn about the importance of Diversity.

#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Palencia receive Vanessa Plaza, Head of Operations Future Workplace
at Telefónica Tech, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.

#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Zamora receive Nuria González, Problem Management & Customer Experience I Team Leader at Telefónica Business Solutions, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.

#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of Ávila welcome Marga de Miguel, Head of Commercial Marketing - IOT & BigData at Telefónica Tech, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl

#Girls Love Tech

The STEAM girls of León, receive Kenia Aranda, Security Project Manager at Telefónica Tech, in a Meet&Grow session developed together with #SteamTalentGirl.


In 2024, Telefónica presents this challenge exclusively to UPF-BSM students to develop proposals to meet the challenge posed.

#Girls Love Tech

In her presentation, Helena Mira shares her interest in innovation, the opportunities offered by working in a large company, and how important it is to be curious to explore the unknown.

#Girls Love Tech

#GirlsLoveTech expands its participation in LeadingGirls Malaga. Maria Carmen Abaurreta, participates in STEAM Women's Stage to share with +100 students.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

#GirlsLoveTech connects Telefónica with all young people from +170 schools in Andalusia at LeadingGirlsMálaga.

#Open Tech Talks

José Suárez-Varela shares with students, onlookers and fans a masterclass on the research he is developing in the Telefónica Research Discovery team.


The aim of the Challenge is to detect future ideas and new innovation proposals that want to become new Startups. Menttoriza and Telefónica are committed to AgroTech innovation.

Hackathon Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

#GirlsLoveTech by Cristina Martinez, offer a masterclass on Blockchain from 42Madrid in the framework of the Hackathon Block&Change.

#Girls Love Tech

We accompanied the participants, during the PiscineDiscoveryWomen's Edition in October, with the presence of our #GirlsLoveTech representatives.

#Girls Love Tech

We accompanied the participants, during the PiscineDiscoveryWomen's Edition in October, with the presence of our #GirlsLoveTech representatives.

#Girls Love Tech

We accompanied the participants, during the PiscineDiscoveryWomen's Edition in October, with the presence of our #GirlsLoveTech representatives.


You have a date on September 20th at Women's Edition!

Register and get to know the campus. Participate in the Web Programming Initiation Workshop.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

María Jesús Vázquez, participates in this forum to talk about the female industry and where experts and professionals in the STEM field are made visible, addressing different topics and the role of women in these fields.

#Girls Love Tech

At the Cybersecurity Bootcamp organized by 42 Madrid for all students and participants of Discovery Piscine Women Edition, Maribel Ortega shared about cybersecurity forensics.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Our colleague Marta Garcia, returns to her origins to share an inspirational talk to help young women identify the path that defines their professional future.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Julia Santo Domingo shares what roles are necessary to develop great negotiations and the skills needed to achieve the goals set in a large company.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Estefanía Árias presents "No future without you" to bring young women closer to the new professions that allow us to continue transforming and making a more complete world.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Elisa Melcon is an ambassador in Valladolid, representing Telefónica's #GirlsLoveTech community, encouraging young women to get into the #STEAM universe.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Chefi Losada, our STEAM representative is invited to represent Telefónica at the #TalentGirl academic closing organized by Fundación ASTI.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Virginia Salvador works at the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) and gives this talk to young women at the end of the 2023 academic year.

#Girls Love Tech

Susana Jurado participates in this round table developed by Fundación Asti, sharing from the perspective of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Cristina Crespo presents STEAM female talent "Audiovisual technology in the age of screens" to celebrate the academic year

Event Masterclass
#Girls Love Tech

Together with our Partner, ASTI Foundation, we closed the academic year, with Ana Rodríguez Quirós as STEAM representative of Telefónica.

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Participation of Chema Garabito from Telefónica's Ideas Locas team in the Cybersecurity Bootcamp at the Campus 42 Madrid

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Participation of Fran Ramírez from Telefónica's Ideas Locas team in the Cybersecurity Bootcamp at the Campus 42 Madrid

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Participation of Álvaro Núñez from Telefónica's Ideas Locas team in the Cybersecurity Bootcamp at the Campus 42 Madrid

#Girls Love Tech

MariTere Nieto kicks off the series that introduces new young talent to different projects, teams and activities that bring the reality of the company closer to the young professionals of the future.

#Girls Love Tech

We discover the origin of diseases, what causes them, the prevention and search for efficiencies to mitigate them, as well as how research is continuously being done to delay our aging.

#Girls Love Tech

How to accompany young women in deciding what to study, which professions did not exist, news on entrepreneurship and the importance of reskilling

#Girls Love Tech

In this Masterclass by Maribel Ortega, from her role within the Cybersecurity team of Telefónica de España, the figure of the technological forensic expert is discovered.

#Girls Love Tech

Florie Saulnier is Head Global Talent Telefónica, and in this masterclass aimed at girls in ESO, Bachillerato and University, she shares and offers information about the professions of the future, the most in-demand skills, and how to prepare for them.

#Girls Love Tech

Agreement to foster the development of talent and technology for the future of young people. Encourage the vocation for STEM careers in adolescents between 14 and 16 years of age and women up to 24 years of age.

#Girls Love Tech

Girls Love Tech, Telefónica's STEAM community for girls. In the advances that have improved the world, women have played a fundamental role.

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

The "Open Machine Learning Application Security Project". The importance of testing Machine Learning models

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Jumping Level Up (from)web2 (to)web3, vulnerabilities y scams on smart contracts

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Safe Mode Red Team Village  
ATTPwn Adversarial Emulation 


We will see how innovative decisions are used and applied in the sports industry, and the importance of new professions such as SportDataScientist.


From the hand of Telefónica experts, from Open Innovation Campus we share our experience and knowledge about Culture, Talent and Simplification applied to the creation of a Startup.


Webinar: We share our knowledge about #Blockchain with young talent, bringing new technologies closer.

#Girls Love Tech

María Teresa Nieto is a computer engineer and tells us about her work focused on researching solutions based on blockchain technology.


Masterclass: Recommendations on the importance of cybersecurity applied to new businesses.
#SMEs and #Startups


Masterclass: With the help of experts from Telefónica, from Open Innovation Campus we share our knowledge with the entrepreneurial university ecosystem.

#Girls Love Tech

Masterclass by María Osma, introduction to Cloud computing.
We will discover how the magic happens in the world of technology and innovation within a real company project.

#Girls Love Tech

Inspirational masterclass by Almudena Moreno, for you to discover the power of being able to develop entrepreneurial projects by yourself.


If you want to build a startup, don’t miss this opportunity. Telefónica is joining forces with the Jerusalem Innovation Ecosystem to launch the Rosetta Venture Challenge! We will support in the development of your idea. Sign up to discover more at

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Karina Sainz Borgó , Chema Alonso and Salvador Larroca discuss the "Maquet Project"

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

GANs and Roses: weaponizing the CEO Scam fraud with AI and Autoencoders Reloaded  
Fran Ramirez & Pablo Gonzalez

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Hacking the outside world through Bluetooth Low-Energy

Event Masterclass
#Open Tech Talks

Hacking the outside world through BLE with Pablo González & Álvaro Núñez from the Ideas Locas Discovery Telefónica team.

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